International Human Rights Commission Relief Fund Trust

The Rules For Membership

A. Eligibility for Membership

Any person having the following qualification shall be eligible for membership of the Commission: –

  1. Who is of or above 18 years age.
  2. Who has reputable character and sound mind.
  3. Who agrees to abide by the constitution and bylaws of the Trust and supports the aims & objects of the IHRC.
  4. Who agrees to pay the prescribed fee.
  5. No employee of the Trust can become member.

B. Categories of Membership

  1. Patron. A person who Pay US$5000 or more in lump sum to the Trust and whose association with the IHRC is deemed by the Chairman helpful for the promotion of the objectives of the Trust shall be invited by the  Chairman to be its patron.

  2. Life Member. A person who pays US$1000 in lump sum to the Trust shall be invited by the Chairman to become a Life Member of the Trust.

  3. Ordinary Member A person whose application for membership is approved by the Chairman shall become ordinary Member of the Trust on payment of an annual membership fee of US$10.

To apply for a Organization membership please send a application forms to:

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